Alright, as promised here is a crafty little project that I completed while watching the new episode of The Walking Dead (so excited for next week!). So that means I finished these bottles in under an hour, and I bet you could too. The ghost one was obviously easier. The inspiration for this project came from
this blog, but I did them completely differently.
Here is what you will need:
Clear bottles (bottles that had soda in it are perfect...I used Stewarts Orange n' Creame soda bottles)
- Soft body acrylic paint (white for ghost, green for Frankenstein, orange for pumpkin)...Tempra paint would also probably work, but it won't look as good and will take longer.
- Regular acrylic paint (black for ghost, red/black/white for Frankenstein, black for pumpkin)...Tempra would work, but it might turn flaky, and it won't be as vivid, you would also have a little less control because Tempra is water based.
*Be warned acrylic paint is permanent.
Paint brush (a flat edged one will come in handy)
What you do:
For Frankenstein:
Start with a clear bottle and squeeze about half of the soft body green Acrylic paint into the bottle. Swirl it around, keep squeezing little bits of paint into the bottle until the entire inside is covered. |
Squeeze a little bit of black paint onto a palette. Paint the top of the bottle black, but stop around the curve. I found it helpful it start by painting a line so that I did not cross it. Using a flat edged paintbrush will make this next part easier, but it is not necessary. Paint triangles along the line that you have drawn to make a hair line. |
Wash the brush, and squeeze a little white onto the palette. Paint two filled in half circles just below the hairline, and wait for them to dry (with acrylic paint it is really quick...only a few minutes, but with tempra it will take longer). |
This picture includes three steps, the first being while the eyes dry, use the red paint to make a straight horizontal line as a mouth. Again, the straight edged paint brush will make this a lot easier. Then, make several vertical lines along the horizontal one. When you have done that, use the black paint to make two black half circles at the top middle of the eye as pupils. Hopefully by then the red paint will have dried (although you can wait a few minutes to play it safe), paint another layer on the red mouth to make it really pop. |
Using the soft body white paint, squeeze about half the tube into the bottle to coat the inside, you may have to repeat a few times to coat the inside completely. Using the flat edged paint brush make black triangles along the bottom of the bottle. |
Paint two ovals for eyes, and a sort of warped oval for the mouth. |
Put them out for everyone to see! |
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